Jeremy Miner Review

Welcome To My Review Of Jeremy Miner's 7th Level HQ Training!

7th level hq review
7th level hq review

Course Name: NepQ 7th Level HQ

Instructor: Jeremy Miner

Price: $2,000 - $7,000


NepQ 7th Level HQ is an online sales training course created by Jeremy Miner, designed to teach individuals advanced sales techniques and strategies. The program promises to provide comprehensive training on Neuro-Emotional Persuasion Questioning (NepQ), a sales methodology developed by Jeremy Miner to enhance communication and increase sales effectiveness.

Content and StructureThe NepQ 7th Level HQ course offers a detailed curriculum covering various aspects of sales, including:

  • Introduction to NepQ: Understanding the fundamentals of Neuro-Emotional Persuasion Questioning and its applications in sales.

  • Sales Psychology: Insights into the psychology of buying and how to influence customer decisions.

  • Questioning Techniques: Strategies for asking the right questions to uncover customer needs and build rapport.

  • Overcoming Objections: Techniques for addressing and overcoming common sales objections.

  • Closing Strategies: Methods for effectively closing sales and securing commitments from customers.

  • Sales Process Optimization: Tips for streamlining and optimizing the sales process to improve efficiency and results.

  • Role-Playing and Practice: Opportunities for practical application and refining skills through role-playing exercises and live practice sessions.

The course includes video lessons, live coaching sessions, and access to a private community for support and networking.


Jeremy Miner is an experienced sales trainer and the developer of the NepQ sales methodology. He brings his practical knowledge and insights to the course, aiming to help students enhance their sales skills and achieve greater success in their sales careers.


The course is priced between $2,000 and $7,000, depending on the level of access and additional mentorship included in the package. This investment aims to provide a comprehensive education and support system for mastering advanced sales techniques.


  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Covers all critical aspects of advanced sales techniques and strategies.

  • Experienced Instructor: Jeremy Miner offers practical insights and strategies based on his successful sales training career.

  • Supportive Community: Access to a network of peers and mentors for ongoing support and collaboration.

  • Actionable Strategies: Emphasis on practical, real-world applications and strategies for sales success.


  • High Initial Cost: The upfront cost of $2,000 to $7,000 may be prohibitive for some individuals.

  • High-Pressure Tactics: Some people might feel that the sales tactics taught are high-pressure and may not align with their personal sales style.

  • Sales is Not for Everyone: Success in sales requires a specific skill set and mindset, and not everyone may find it suitable or enjoyable.

  • Steep Learning Curve: Requires a significant investment of time and effort to master the techniques and achieve consistent results.

What Is My Alternative To Sales?

I think Jeremy Miner teaches a great business model in theory. However, “theories” often don’t pan out.

For example with the business model of Sales you’ll find yourself struggling with the high pressure environment, cold hearted leadership, no shows, and even more.

Yeah, those are just a few of the things that guru’s, whether from Jeremy Miner or not, don’t really tell you about the business.

Which I totally understand, if you knew those things…you’d probably reconsider buying from them right?

Unfortunately, they know that too…which is why they don’t say anything.

See, they’re mainly just concerned with you handing over your money (I’m talking gurus at large here) and wishing you luck.

When their system doesn’t work…it’s not their fault…or their systems…it’s your fault.

It’s something you did.

That’s the reason you’re not making full time passive income…


I hate that they deal with people that way. Too much psychological manipulation and once you see it…you can’t unsee it. It makes you sick.

At least it makes me sick…

See I’ve tried a lot of things throughout the years myself. But I’ve also had family members try real estate from their favorite guru, they’ve tried Amazon FBA, drop shipping, running an agency, even credit card programs.

It has never ended well.

You see, I learned that it is almost impossible to do any one of these “side hustles” full time unless you have a lot of money or have come from a rich family.

Gurus will tell you otherwise, but we all know why that is…

So in my online journey I was going to make sure that whatever it was I did was 1: viable and 2: only takes an hour or two after work to work on.

I didn’t want to get stuck in the constant hustle and burn my life away trying to chase after the guru version of the hamster wheel.

Screw that!

I want to be able to work hard, have a job (which isn’t as bad as gurus say), and have some side income.

I’m not greedy.

I’m not looking to get rich.

Just something honest and simple.

I found that to be something called local lead generation.

No ads, No crazy tech skills, and no real sales skills either.

All you do is build a little website like this:

Rank it to the top of Google like this:

And call up a guy/gal in town who can do the work.

After they’ve made some money, you just ask for a finders fee (super common in the contracting space) and boom…you’ve created a nice dependable side income.

Have I known people who do this full time? Sure.

They’re pretty stressed though.

People with 5-10 of these things though? Pretty relaxed from what I’ve experienced myself and seen from others.

And we’re after the least amount of stress possible right?

That’s what I thought.

Full time secure job, 401k or IRA retirement account, and side hustle income leads to a pretty cushy life.

Gurus won’t tell you that because they want to pull on your greed strings.

I’m sick of the industry though and just want to be straight with you.

There will be some hard work involved. Not everything will be peachy from the onset. But it will be worth while.

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